Hannah Hardy explores the joy which arises from nature connection and meditation in her tender yet dynamic multidisciplinary practice which spans from temporary nature art to mixed medium sculpture and portraiture.

Hannah’s living mycelium sculptures are featured in The new issue of the Ecological Citizen : https://www.ecologicalcitizen.net/pdfs/Vol%207%20No%202.pdf

Connected~ discover Hannah’s living mycelium sculpture series

Connected. 2024. Living mycelium sculpture by Hannah Hardy

Discover Hannah’s new nature art series: Native UK Species!

Blue tit. A temporary nature artwork created with petals and twigs by Hannah Hardy

Above: Glow of Love~ Hannah’s new addition to her Fantastical Friends series. Mixed medium 2024

Sustainability is important to Hannah’s practice. Her nature artworks are created through natural materials shed by nature and return back to nature as zero trace. She upcycles materials such as in her wire sculptures series, these were created from upcycled thatcher’s wire! She is currently working on a series of sculptures which are made from living mycelium (this series will be released in 2024!). Hannah currently uses Redbubble as a print platform who have a good sustainability policy. You are also able to order eco prints on different recycled papers (such as hemp, bamboo) directly from Hannah, please email [email protected] Buy prints of Hannah’s artworks directly online

New Dawn~ Introducing Hannah’s new series merging nature art with mixed medium painting

Connecting, responding and creating with the land through nature art

Nature art by Hannah Hardy
Unbound peace. Nature art. North Norfolk 2023

Hannah simultaneously finds natural materials whilst out walking and connecting with the landscape. Thereupon co creating with nature through a wide range of natural materials, Hannah straightaway spontaneously responds to the land, elements and weather. These natural materials include drawing on water, drawing with light, co creating with ice, growing live moss graffiti, living plant sculptures, charcoal from ceremonial fires and natural materials found whilst connecting with the site.

Creativity as meditation through land art

Integral to Hannah’s creation process is her meditation practice as she explores connection within her internal and external landscape.

Hannah says about her work:
“From my nature art series Realising Permanence through impermanence. Spontaneously out in nature, found items, leaves, flowers, shells come together as a divine co creation. Awareness revealing itself. I feel that life happens through us, as we release limiting beliefs and realise our inherent connection with and as all that is, alignment, peace, compassion and joy effortlessly radiates through. I enjoy that the works take form, express as awareness then are taken back by the winds of change, transient faces realised as the unchanging. The nature art series is called ‘Realising permanence through impermanence’, when all is removed what remains..?”

Email to request a print or nature art portrait commission